Voting under Capitalism
Waweru In the coming months, Kenyan voters will head to the ballot boxes to vote for candidates of their choice. This is a ritual that Kenyans are used to, every five years. Since independence, the country has conducted numerous elections but, as in other capitalists’...
Ballot or the Bullet: Revolutionary Change by All
Means Necessary
Sobukwe Shukura is a member of The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (AAPRP) The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (AAPRP) had a slogan in the 70’s and the 80’s: “Smash the Democratic and Republican Party”. We have today a more appropriate line calling...
Left view on Elections
Ezra Otieno is an organizer and a member of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Socialist League (RSL) in Kenya. He is also a member of Ukombozi Library There is a prevalent misconception that Marxism is solely concerned with economics. It is undeniably true...
On the Education of the People
The last two decades have witnessed an unprecedented (one can even say, obsessive), offensive against the ideas of socialism on a world scale. The collapse of the Soviet Union and it’s bureaucratically planned system, alongside it’s Eastern European satellites, was...
Should the Left Participate in the 2022 General Election or Boycott It?
I’ve come to learn that if you want to change the world, you must change people ~ Shyam Shah Presumed Objective: That electing a few Leftleaning members to Parliament will lead to Parliament upholding the Constitution and ensuring more just and democratic law-making. ...
Should the Left Avoid Parliaments and Elections Altogether?
This paper is written as a contribution to the ideological seminar “The Role of the Left and Social Movements in Elections” held at Kenya National Theater, Cheche gallery on 28th July 2021. I pen this modest contribution to highlight my position on the question as we...
The Reality of Bwanyenye or Bourgeoisie Elections – To Participate or not to Participate
In every country, the election of people to political positions presents an opportunity to the citizenry to choose those who can tackle their prevailing issues. Most countries in the world undergo this process at a specified interval. Due to the privileges associated...