PIO GAMA PINTO Kenya's Unsung Martyr. 1927 - 1965 edited by Shiraz Durrani
ISBN 9789966189004
Pages 391
Kshs. 2,000.00/=

Mau Mau the Revolutionary, Anti-Imperialist Force from Kenya: 1948-1963 by Shiraz Durani
ISBN 9789966804020
Pages 154
Kshs. 800/=

Trade Unions in Kenya's War of Independence by Shiraz Durrani
ISBN 9789966189097
Pages 118
Kshs. 800.00/=

People's Resistance to Colonialism and Imperialism in Kenya by Shiraz Durrani
ISBN 9789966114525
Pages 124
Kshs. 800.00/=

Kenya's War of Independence: Mau Mau and its Legacy of Resistance to Colonialism and Imperialism, 1948-1990 by Shiraz Durrani
ISBN 9789966189011
Pages 450
Kshs. 1,500.00/=

LIBERATING MINDS, RESTORING KENYAN HISTORY - Anti-Imperialist Resistance by Progressive South Asian Kenyans 1884-1965 by Nazmi Durrani
ISBN 9789966189097
Pages 202
Kshs. 800.00/=

Makhan Singh. A Revolutionary Kenyan Trade Unionist Edited by Shiraz Durrani
ISBN 1 86988613 5
Pages 194
Kshs. 1,200.00/=

Progressive Librarianship Perspectives from Kenya and Britain, 1979-2010 by Shiraz Durrani
ISBN 9781869886202
Pages 446
Kshs. 1,700.00/=

INFORMATION AND LIBERATION Writings on the Politics Information and Librarianship by Shiraz Durrani
ISBN 9789966189073
Pages 384
Kshs. 1,700.00/=

NEVER BE SILENT - Publishing and Imperialism 1884-1963 by Shiraz Durrani
ISBN 9789966189073
Pages 280
Kshs. 1,000.00/=

CORPSES OF UNITY - An Anthology of Poems. Edited by Nsah Mala & Mbizo Chirasha
ISBN 9789966133996
Pages 105
Kshs. 1,000

CRIMES OF CAPITALISM IN KENYA - Press Cuttings on Moi KANU's Reign of Terror in Kenya, 1980s-1990 Compiled by Shiraz Durrani & Kimani Waweru
ISBN 9789966133113
Pages 224
Kshs. 1,500

KARIMI NDUTHU: A Life in Struggle
ISBN 1869886127
Pages 100
Kshs. 300.00/=

ESSAYS ON PAN-AFRICANISM Edited by Shiraz Durrani & Noosim Naimasiah
ISBN 978-9914-9875-6-0
Pages 271
Kshs. 2,000

THE KENYA SOCIALIST Edited by Shiraz Durrani & Kimani Waweru
ISBN 9789914700893
Pages 40

ISBN 978-9914-9875-8-4
Pages 208
Kshs. 2,500

ISBN 9789914987508
Pages 69
Kshs. 800

NEITH ER SETTLER NOR NATIVE - The Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities by Mahmood Mamdani
ISBN 9789914987546
Pages 401
Kshs. 2,200

THE KENYA SOCIALIST Edited by Shiraz Durrani & Kimani Waweru
ISBN 9789914700893
Pages 26

THE KENYA SOCIALIST Edited by Shiraz Durrani & Kimani Waweru
ISBN 978-9966133816
Pages 37

KEY POINTS IN THE HISTORY OF KENYA,1885-1990 by Shiraz Durran
ISBN 978-9914-9875-7-7
Pages 158
Kshs. 1,200
Forthcoming Publications from Vita Books
Tunakataa! We Say No! Poems of Resistance. By Nazmi Durrani
The poems depict peasant and worker resistance in Kenya in the 1980s to the oppressive Moi-KANU government. Here is the voice of people saying ‘no’ to capitalism and imperialism. The poems, in Kiswahili and English, are as relevant today as they were in the 1980s. They are as relevant in Kenya as they are in the rest of Africa struggling against capitalism and imperialism.
Two Paths Ahead: The Ideological Struggle for the Liberation of Kenya, 1960-1990. By Shiraz Durrani
The battles between socialism and capitalism in Kenya have been long, bitter and violent. Capitalism won with the active support of USA and UK governments at the time of independence in 1963. Yet the original Kenya African National Union (KANU) Party was in favour of socialism. It was Presidents Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel wrap Moi who used violence to suppress socialism and assassinated, disappeared, exiled or imprisoned its adherents. Capitalism became the unstated state policy. However, the desire for socialism never died. Resistance movements and opposition parties made socialism their aim, reflecting people’s
desire for justice, equality and empowerment.
Many studies on Kenya focus on personalities or ‘tribes’ or race, ignoring the all-important class and ideological position of organisations and their leaders. Two Paths Ahead examines the Kenyatta and Moi governments’ support for capitalism and contrasts it with the socialist stand of the original KANU Party, the Kenya People’s Union (KPU), the December Twelve Movement-Mwakenya as well as the voice of the 1982 coup leaders. This long history of socialism has also been suppressed by forces of capitalism represented by all the Kenyan governments since independence. This book traces the battles between the two ideologies, between the radicals and the conservatives within and outside KANU. It looks at the struggle at the Lumumba Institute in the 1960s. It examines the position on land, social policy and worker rights through documents and actions of the opposing sides. It traces the stand of key leaders as proponents of either capitalism or socialism. The final section reproduces some of the documents which inform discussions on the ideological struggle in Kenya. The book exposes the hidden hand of imperialism in the country’s rush to capitalism. It fills a gap in understanding the real contradictions that divide Kenya to this day.
Crimes of Capitalism in Kenya: Massacres, Murders, Detention, Imprisonment, Dissappearing and
Press cuttings on Moi’s-KANU’s Reign of Terror in Kenya, 1980s, Research & Documentation Series No. 1 (2019) Prepared from material in the Ukombozi Library
Much is written about the appalling human rights record of Presidents Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel arap Moi. However, these crimes are not attributed to the ideology that drove them: capitalism. The press cuttings in the first R&D Series records the brutal methods that KANU and imperialism used to remain in power. A future issue will focus on resistance to capitalism and the search for socialism.
Escape from Moneyville
A Short Story for Young People by Shiraz Durrani
Translated from Gujarati: Muri nagar nu nash. Edited by Noosim Naimasiah. Illustrations by Bwana Mdogo
It was a cold, dark night. Everything was quiet. A Mawingo bus was travelling from Nairobi to Mombasa.
It had big signs painted on the outside: Dangerman. It had travelled over two hundred kilometres and was approaching Mtito Andei. Everybody in the bus was fast asleep. Everyone, that is, except four people.
So begins an adventure for four Kenyan youths, two boys and two girls, that explores the depth of deprivation and disaster that capitalism has been for working people in Kenya. Tricked into becoming forced workers for a factory with owners from USA, British and Japan, the youth live the harsh life of exploited workers.
However, their sense of justice soon turns them into rebels seeking life and freedom. The story takes them through life- threatening adventures, fighting the armed forces summoned by the factory owners. Will they manage to survive the brutal attacks by fierce dogs and armed militia? Will they live to see the sea at Mombasa they had set out for?
Singh, Makhan: History of Kenya’s Trade Union Movement to 1952 (Reprint)
ISBN 978-9914-7875-2-2
From the start the trade union movement played a crucial part in political struggle for the freedom in Kenya. Makhan Singh, the author of this scholarly book, has for a long time been one of the most formidable figures in the growth of Kenya’s trade unions. In this careful and readable study, authentically based on personal knowledge and a deep study of all available documentary sources, he has outlined the growth of labour protest from the forgotten heroes of this long struggle are given their rightful place and the book adds important new perspectives to the history of the nationalist movement in Kenya 2020 Reprint “Makhan Singh dedicated this book ‘To all those who struggled, suffered and sacrificed for the cause of Kenya’s national and trade union movements’. Yet it is these very people, including Makhan Singh himself, whose suffering and sacrifices have yet to be recognised by history. The injustices they suffered, and continue to suffer, need to be righted if there is to be peace in Kenya. It is for this reason that the life, work and writings of Makhan Singh have an enduring relevance today. Vita Books need to be congratulated for reprinting these important documents from Kenya’s past. They are essential readings for Kenya’s future” – Willy Mutunga, Chief Justice & President of the Supreme Court of Kenya, 2011-2016. (Foreword to the Reprint)
Durrani Shiraz: Key Points in the History of Kenya 1885 – 1990
ISBN 978-9914-9921-3-7
History never dies. It is embedded in people’s memories when books are burnt and children are taught false histories, imagined by false historians from near and far — says the author in this book. This is the context in which Key Points in the History of Kenya, 1885-1990 is published. This, the 4th in the Kenya Resists Series from Vita Books, brings together presentations points from several conferences and meetings on the history of Kenya. It also includes short articles, some written recently, others from earlier books and articles by Shiraz Durrani. Key Points highlights many hidden facts about the history of Kenya. References are included for those who wish to explore the history further. While these books and facts are readily available in many history books, they are not easily available to all people in Kenya and in a form that meets their needs.
The book therefore aims to familiarise people with the history of Kenya. It seeks to keep people’s struggles, sacrifices and history alive. The author hopes that it will be a weapon in the sense that Bertolt Brecht meant when he said: Hungry man, reach for the book: it is a weapon. That is the aim of the series, Kenya Resists too.
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