Editorial: The World is Changing; will Kenya Follow Suit?

Editorial: The World is Changing; will Kenya Follow Suit?

The world is changing. Or is it? Vladimir Putin sees ‘truly revolutionary, tectonic changes in geopolitics, the global economy, in the technological sphere, in the entire system of international relations’ [which are] ‘fundamental, pivotal and inexorable’(1) And yet,...

The 59th African Liberation Day

Every year on May 25, the world commemorates African Liberation Day (ALD). ALD was first established by Kwame Nkrumah in 1958 during the first Convention of Independent States in Accra, Ghana. It was declared that the 15th of April would be designated as ‘African...

Is Women’s Household Labour a Form of Exploitation?

Debates about paying for housewife labour at home have raged for many years. In most capitalist countries, housewives perform almost all housework (cooking, childcare, cleaning, etc). This debate is mostly steered by feminists who argue that the work at home deserves...